Rabu, 11 Mei 2011


I love 'crazy little thing called love'!!!

The damnest thing is I wasn't invited to someone's sweet 17 at hyatt hotel.
I was so stressed because she invited Mario Maurer to her party!!!!OMOUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Mommy,I want Mario Maurer in my party is well!I don't care how much it costs,I want Mario Maurer!
And also Peach!!
Hueeeeeee...That's so unfair.Because no matter how hard I beg,it will never come true.
Hello!?It's gonna be very expensive.
Even if we manage to invite them,I don't have any idea how are we going to eat after that.(just a phrase.hehehe.It's not like we're really not gonna have money to eat)
Oh well...
The 'Goo Jun Pyo'  I talked about.I don't know really.
He doesn't know me.So it's kinda impossible to hope too much.
He will never be mine anyway.That sucks.
=_=  T__T  ~.~
hahahaha.Forget it then.I Just open his facebook page everyday with hope he doesn't use a program to detect who opened his page.
Please don't make him use that program.
It's the end of the world for meeeeeeeeeee....

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