Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

White angel

Sorry for being extraunordinary mean for some posts.
I was kind of crazy with H.O.T.hahaha
They sure are cool,aren't they.
But I feel better after I read an article.
They said that Kangta sugessted a reunion.
They are going to REUNITE i suppose.
This is amazing,right?
I really hope it's true.XD
I'm proudly say(with all H.O.T fans for all times),WE'RE FOREVER WHITE ANGELS!!!
I am writing a fanfiction about H.O.T too on winglin.
Here's the link:
This is Yamajima Fanfic.Love triangle with Shida Mirai.Chinen Yuri and Ohgo Suzuka are the side story.
I always love H.O.T

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